Inn Miyama Inn Miyama is a 200-year-old thatched house, modernised to suite the current lifestyle but maintaining the charm of the good old days. Stay with us and experience the life in Miyama. ABOUT PICK UP Pick up Activities All year round Cycling All year round Yoga All year round BBQ End of November, beginning of December “Kayakaki” Pampas grass cutting Instagram innmiyama A thatched roof house B&B in Miyama Kyoto. 茅葺屋根の京都美山民泊 #美山 #茅葺き屋根 #民泊 #miyama #bedandbreakfast #thatchedroof First snow this winter. Though not very much, our A monthly "Saba Kaido" (AKA Mackerel road. An anci Load More Follow on Instagram